News Flash: Spellcaster Available for Pre-Order, Tiny Epic Kingdoms Has October Release
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 10/23/2014 - 20:21. Category:

- Spellcaster, the card game about dueling wizards, is now available for pre-order from R&R Games.
- Tiny Epic Kingdoms, a pocket-sized game, will be released October 31st.
- The final list of games and guest stars set to appear on season three of TableTop has now been announced.
- New reviews this week of Tsuro of the Seas (GeekMom), Ugh! (Homemaker Hobbies), and The Supershow (Board Game Reviews by Josh).
- Paul Owen has posted over on Man OverBoard, a list of the top ten games he plays with his wife.
- The company Gamesformotion is releasing a series of chocolate board games, with Candy Land, Scrabble, Battleship and Monopoly released with playing pieces made of chocolate wrapped in paper that can be opened and eaten.
- iSlaytheDragon featured an interview with Naomi Robinson this week, an illustrator who has created artwork for board games.
- GeekDad has created a list of 13 tabletop games for Halloween.
- AEG Games announced this month that they'll be releasing a Black Friday Black Box in November. The box will contain four games, all of which will either be brand new or feature new artwork.