Join our Game Retailer Network
If you are a game retailer, we've got your back. We know how much work you put in and that you are the first contact for many casual gamers. That's why we want to say "thank you" by offering the following benefits to you for FREE:
- A public listing in our game store locator so our readers know where to find you. Every review and game listing on our site links to this store locator.
- A free PDF subscription to our magazine, Casual Game Insider. Our team strives to create top-quality gaming content that will benefit you and your customers.
- Special discounts and news from your favorite publishers. You won't want to miss out on these deals.
Join our game retailer network by clicking on the button below and filling out your store profile. This will create a user account with us and will gain you all of these benefits. Be sure to select 'Yes' for the store locator option and click the 'Subscribe' checkbox at the bottom of the form.