Inside the Casual Game Revolution: Page 3 of 4

The Solutions
Now, the question becomes: what can be done? Enter the Casual Game Revolution.
After identifying these problems in the industry, we began in late 2011 to piece together the details of Casual Game Revolution. It started as a marketing campaign to classify the types of games we wished to promote. Then it grew into an idea to assist retailers in creating a shelf in their stores to provide a destination for casual gamers. As we pitched the concept to retailers, distributors, and publishers, it grew into a more comprehensive program. And as we have continued to receive support and an overwhelming amount of interest, it has become a movement.
This program is so much bigger than what we can accomplish alone. We need to define our cause; we need to band together to promote our cause and bring change to the industry; we need to reduce the barriers that prevent people from joining the cause.
Defining the Cause
We have chosen the term “casual game” to describe a category of games that are most likely to be appreciated by casual gamers based on certain characteristics. This term makes no assumptions about the intent or prior knowledge of the players, where terms such as “family game”, “gateway game”, and “filler game” do. It also echoes the casual game movement that has occurred in the video game industry, which has turned nearly everyone with an internet connection or mobile device into a player of digital games. The term makes sense to people and implies lightness and accessibility when compared to the full spectrum of game complexity.
To form our definition, we recruited the help of a panel of industry experts, including publishers, distributors, retailers, members of the media, and others. The definition is intended to be a general guideline to consider whether or not a game is appropriate for a casual game shelf in a store. The hope is that by defining casual games, they can be recognized in their own light and separated from the games that are intended for hobby gamers, making them easier for casual gamers to identify.
Promoting the Cause
We intend to focus our efforts on promoting casual games directly to the intended audience. We cannot do it alone, but we hope to get the ball rolling so retailers, distributors, and publishers will follow. There are several phases to our approach that will need to be refined over time.
In the first phase, we want to begin by creating a sense of belonging, if it doesn’t already exist, among the retail stores that casual gamers walk into. A casual game shelf with the games they will love, that is labeled and spoken of as such, will serve as a destination to which they can return. This will encourage them to become loyal customers, rather than getting overwhelmed and running away.
As part of the first phase, we have created Casual Game Insider magazine. Why a physical magazine? We want to use the magazine to get useful information and tips for selling casual games into the hands of retailers, who are the most important sales force for casual games. Also, at the center of the magazine are posters, shelf labels, and other tools that can be detached and used for display in stores. These tools will emphasize to customers our industry’s new focus on casual games and commitment to the casual gamer. They will also give publishers the means to promote their games directly to casual gamers through the retailers who choose to make use of these tools to increase their sales.
The second phase of the program will include an attempt to gather a following of casual gamers from far and wide who are as passionate about casual games as we are. We intend to create a central online hub that will serve as the primary gathering place for casual gamers, with content just for them. If successful, this will provide a marketing platform in which those who are interested in casual games can easily learn about the products that were intended for them. This online presence will supplement the efforts of retailers to promote a destination in their stores for casual gamers.
Additional phases of the program will depend on the success of the initial phases, but may include a consumer magazine (in addition to the industry magazine), an award program, a trade show for casual games, a collaborative industry group, or other initiatives as we see fit.
Reducing the Barriers
As an industry, we need to start focusing more on the needs of casual gamers. We need content, reviews, and messages that are clear and direct and that make no assumptions about previous experience with gaming. We need to consider the accessibility of the casual games we produce and sell. Do our rule books assume previous knowledge? Do we have video tutorials to assist newcomers to learn our games? Are we carefully considering the copy used to describe our games? Are we creating an environment in stores and trade shows that is welcoming to casual gamers of all different backgrounds?
In the end, gamers can still enjoy their hobby and their preferences. There is nothing wrong with hobby gaming for the audience it is intended for. But we want to create a stepping stone — a safe haven where new and casual gamers can enjoy a wealth of great games that are accessible to them and that assume nothing about their background, without the need for a gamer to train them. Those who then want to step to heavier games and deeper involvement can go on from there, but they need not feel that they have to do so in order to be embraced by the industry.
Next Page: The Results
I am so pleased that you have begun the process of trying to reach this growing and eager crowd of casual gamers, which I feel more connected to than the traditional, typically closed, gaming crowd.
I was just talking about this "middle ground" of gamers with my husband the other day.
While we consider ourselves a little bit more involved with games than the average casual gamer, (we have been dabbling with designing some games, we are pretty familiar with game terminology, we are BGG trollers), our usual preference is for games that would likely fit in this middle ground, if you included in your "casual game definition" elements of randomness, (luck, chance) and light-to-medium strategic depth (as opposed to analysis-paralysis heavy strategy) :
Stone Age, Village, Vikings, Dice Town, Settlers, Catan Dice, Egizia, A Castle for all Seasons, Roll Through the Ages, Time's Up, Wits and Wagers, Aton, Archaeology, Carcassonne, Survive!, Kingsburg, Last Will, Scrabble, Mille Borne, Flinch, etc.
Some of our games skirt the line:
Caylus, Belfort, Castles of Burgundy, Troyes
Several of these games are highly ranked/awarded, which is why we found them. Others we found through digging and filtering our searches on BGG, because so many of the top-ranked games are for the "hardcore gamer, serious-and-difficult-games-only, we-thumb-our-noses-as-casual-games club".
We are fortunate that our local game store, Madness Games and Comics, in Plano TX, carries an extraordinary mix of games, for all levels of gamers, and they have been welcoming and friendly to us non-heavy gaming types. We are excited they will soon be expanding from 5000sf to 20000sf next month! I am definitely going to let them know about your amazing efforts and wonderful magazine and your other plans.
Good luck with your venture, thanks for being a voice for those of us out there who love board games.
Thank you for sharing this. We are very fortunate to have you on our site.
I think we're definitely on the same page. I am a designer of many games and have been in the industry for years, yet consider myself a casual gamer because of the types of games I enjoy most (casual games). It is, indeed, difficult to find good casual games on sites like BGG because you have to know exactly what characteristics identify them (such as a lower rating than the hardcore games). This is why we hope to gather a community of casual gamers who prefer the same types of games that we do. We hope to make it easier to discover and share games and articles that are better suited to casual gamers.
A few thoughts on this article:
1. I prefer casual games. Watch people play a casual game, then watch people play a hobby game. Which table is smiling? Casual almost every time.
2. Perhaps the Revolution should take advantage of the explosion of mobile gaming by making apps of its games? Days of Wonder has led the way here. Strangely, I would consider "casual board games" to be much more "hobby game apps" than "casual game apps." I feel like playing Ticket to Ride on my phone is much differen than pulling out some Angry birds for 4 minutes.
3. Amazon, Target or someone big like that should create a website that easily and clearly classifies game types for casual gamers. All hobby gamers have seen the "What game should I play?" decision flows, but it's not hobby gamers that need such things.
Great article Chris.
So, well into 2015, how is the Casual Game Revolution doing?
Has there been specific issues or breakthroughs that you'd want to share?
How about your views on international markets (like Mexico for example)? Have you tried venturing outside the US?
Hi Alfonso,
Slowly but surely we're seeing our message resonate with people. However, I think the market is so saturated with new games that it can be hard for casual gamers to keep up — we often see casual gamers stick to familiar games like Settlers of Catan rather than venture into new territory. Our goal is to continually highlight what is new (in addition to classic titles), so they can expand their casual game collections.
No new breakthroughs to share (other than our recent expansion into Barnes & Noble), just continuing to provide the best content we can and share our message.
We haven't done much international expansion in terms of distribution, though we do fulfill several subscriptions to international retailers. The game market in Mexico remains slow, in my opinion — I don't see much activity at all south of the border. The Russian market seems to be doing quite well, with a lot of expansion, and the Canadian and European markets seem strong as always. Game distribution companies would have a better idea of these markets, but these are my 2 cents based on my observations.