News Flash: International Tabletop Day, Vikings Released by Z-Man Games
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 01/24/2014 - 12:13. Category: News

- It’s been announced that International Tabletop Day will be happening again this year and has been scheduled for April 5th.
- Z-Man Games has also announced that it will be releasing an English language version of the German board game Vikings sometime in the spring.
- Z-Man Games is also rereleasing Fairy Tale in stores this March. The game will have updated cover art, a new play variant and five new cards.
- Scott King previews the microgame Tiny Epic Kingdoms.
- Red Bull has published a list of the best board games based off of video games.
- New reviews this week of Rise of Augustus (iSlaytheDragon), Seven Card Slugfest (Game Theory) and Old World New World (Play Board Games).
- A Downton Abbey themed board game has been released, in which players take on the roles of the servants, moving around the house attempting to complete tasks.
- Hyperbole Games interviews Colby Dauch, the owner and chief designer of Plaid Hat Games.