News Flash: New Party Games from R&R Games, Hipster Dice
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 03/14/2014 - 12:45. Category: News

- R&R Games has announced several new games for 2014, which includes five new party games.
- Steve Jackson Games has announced Hipster Dice, which will be released in June or July of this year.
- Mars Needs Mechanics has been released for iOS.
- SeriouslyBoard has written about the pitfalls and tips to teach game rules.
- Opinionated Gamers has posted an article on choosing games for travel and how to pack them.
- The Dice Tower has created a list of the Top Ten Casual Two Player Games.
- Scott King gives a short preview of Eight-Minute Empire.
- New reviews this week of Inkognito (iSlaytheDragon), Bang! ( and Suburbia (Troll In The Corner).
- Z-Man Games has a new Twitter account.