News Flash: New Editions of Love Letter, 2014 Origins Awards
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 06/19/2014 - 19:30. Category: News

- New editions of Love Letter have been announced by Cryptozoic Entertainment and AEG. The first new editions to be released will have themes for Adventure Time, DC Comics, and The Hobbit.
- The 2014 Origins Award winners have been announced with Trains from AEG winning best board game, and Love Letter from AEG winning best traditional card game.
- New publisher Green Couch Games is preparing to release their first game Fidelitas. Players take on the roles of citizens in a medieval town, trying to use their influence to lead a revolt against the corrupt crown.
- Rampage is getting a new name, and will be re-released with the title Terror in Meeple City.
- Another AEG and Steve Jackson Games crossover has been announced with Munchkin Smash Up.
- Days of Wonder has announced a new game, scheduled for release this August: Five Tribes.
- New reviews this week of Fun Farm (Today in Board Games), Crossways (SAHM Reviews), and Machi Koro (
- Clever Move has posted a piece titled What Game Should You Try Next If You Like Apples to Apples?
- iSlaytheDragon has posted a fun article called 9 Things Only Ticket to Ride Would Understand.