News Flash: DC Comics Game Expansion, Mars Attacks: The Dice Game Released
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 11/28/2014 - 00:17. Category: News

- Cryptozoic has announced that they will be releasing the Forever Evil, DC Comics Deck-building Game expansion December 3rd.
- Steve Jackson Games’ new press-your-luck game Mars Attacks: The Dice Game is now available for purchase.
- GeekDad has written about DIY Board Games, a board game kit that includes five popular board games and allows for a lot of customizing and personalization of the boards and pieces.
- New reviews this week of Colt Express (MeepleTown), Enter The Arena (The Opinionated Gamers), and Pyramix (Board Game Reviews by Josh).
- The Atlantic has published an article on how board games make children better students.
- The Dice Tower has posted a video of 12 great stocking stuffer games for Christmas.
- The Inquisitive Meeple has interviewed Chris Leder, the designer of Roll For It!.
- The Guardian has published an article titled 12 Board Games to Make You a Better Person.
- Shut Up and Sit Down has listed their three favorite games from BoardGameGeek Con.
- Hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving!