News Flash: Tabletopia, New Tasty Minstrel Games
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 09/04/2015 - 12:01. Category: News

- Tabletopia has been announced. It is a new virtual system that will allow players to play their favorite board games on the computer. Several publishers have already signed up to have their games featured on the program and three demos are available to test out.
- Tasty Minstrel Games has announced that three new games, Dungeon of Fortune, Gold West, and Steam Works, have arrived at the warehouse and will soon be available in stores.
- Game Salute has announced a new monthly newsletter which will take a closer look at the release process of both their newer and older games.
- New reviews this week of Spyfall (Major Fun), Mint Tin Mini Apocalypse (Homemaker Hobbies), and Flip City (indietabletop).
- Geek and Sundry has posted a list of 4 board games that can be played in under 30 minutes.
- The Board Game Family has written about the use of educational board games in the classroom.
- A Fallout themed Monopoly has been announced and is expected to be released sometime in November.
- BuzzFeed uploaded a video of real life surgeons attempting to play Operation.