News Flash: Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom, Risk Redesigned
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 10/16/2015 - 11:23. Category: News

- At last week's Spiel Game Fair, Days of Wonder debuted Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom, an expansion which adds not only a new UK map to the game but also a Pennsylvania one. A mini-expansion Orient-Express was also released which adds new destination tickets that follow the famous railway.
- The classic board game Risk will be receiving an update next year, with major changes to the art and the introduction of Mission Cards which can be used to speed up games by giving players secret agendas that grant them victory if they are completed. Risk Europe will also be returning, a version of the game that hasn't been widely available since the 80's.
- Rio Grande Games is set to release For Crown & Kingdom on the 18th. The game revolves around players attempting to gain popularity and raise resources in order to rule a kingdom.
- New reviews this week of Eight-Minute Empire: Legends (Blog Critics), Dark Stories (GeekDad), and Nations: The Dice Game (iSlaytheDragon).
- Victory Point Games' Wings for the Baron is now available for order. It is a 45 minute card game for 3 to 5 players about building airplanes during the First World War.
- Buzz Feed tells what your favorite Monopoly player token says about you.
- The Guardian has written an article about what things make board games great that video games can’t match.
- The Escapist posted about some of the most interesting games that appeared at this year’s Essen.