News Flash: New Days of Wonder Game, Games for Tweens
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 01/15/2016 - 09:47. Category: News

- We compiled a list of gaming conventions going on this year — it was viewed over 20,000 times in 2 days. Check it out!
- If you'd like to reserve seats at these gaming conventions, Game Rustlers is a relatively new website that aims to assist in this process.
- Days of Wonder has announced a new game: Quadropolis. In it you are the mayor of a city, attempting to become the most prestigious mayor in history.
- Geek and Sundry has created a list of seven games to help get your tween into gaming.
- An article has appeared on the Huffington Post that looks at board game prototypes and the board game development process.
- New reviews this week of Bullfrog (Father Dad), Tiny Epic Western (Theology of Games), and SafeBreaker (2D6).
- The Toronto Star asks the question: why are board games thriving in the digital age?
- GeekDad has written an article about games that encourage storytelling.
- IELLO Games has given some advice on how to teach games.
- In Tucson, Arizona, after someone had $10,000 worth of Magic: The Gathering cards stolen, the owner of a gaming store alerted the police when the thief attempted to sell the cards in the store. Just another reminder that the gaming community is a pretty awesome one to be a part of.