Ratland (Eclipse Editorial) – Get all the food you can to feed your rats as you compete to have the biggest clan. Each player has a sewer board which is hidden from other players by a screen. You choose how to use your rats. You can send some to the nursery to grow your clan, to the pantry to defend your cheese from other players, down the left pipe to attack the player on your left or down the right to attack the player on your right (attacks are resolved by the number of rats you send versus the number of rats the defender has at his panty). You can also send your rats to the outside world in order to search for cheese. After players have distributed their rats, the screens are lifted and actions are resolved. If you don't have enough cheese at the end of the round, you will lose rats! At the end of the game each rat in your clan is worth one point and the player with the most points wins.
Casual Game Crowdfunding: Rat Infestations and Ghostly Hauntings

This month brings us one game inspired by a web series and one by a classic novel. We also have a card game co-designed by an eight year old girl and a party game that involves both emotions and logic.
Haunt the House (Kids Table Board) – Players are ghosts haunting a house and trying to scare ghost hunters away. Each player has their own deck of cards. Cards have different types of scares and each ghost hunter will only be chased away by a particular combination of scare cards. On your turn you can place cards either face up or face down into each room. Face down cards will keep your actions secret, while face up cards will trigger the room's special ability.
RWBY: Combat Ready (Rooster Teeth) – In this cooperative game, players start by choosing a scenario which determines which villains you will be fighting and what their objectives are. The game is played in a series of duels. During each duel, only one player fights the villain but the other players can choose to deal with the villain's objectives or provide support to the dueling character. During the duel, the player who is currently fighting looks at the villain card that is on top of the villain deck. This gives a hint as to what kind of attack the villain will be making. The dueling player then chooses a card of their own to play. Cards have speed, which determines whether you hit your target, and different cards also apply different amounts of damage. Several rounds are played during each duel. Players gain fury points and experience points during fights which allow them to pull off special moves or buy new cards to fight with.
Heart and Brain (The Awkward Yeti) – In this party game, you roll the die to determine whether you draw a card from the heart deck or the brain deck. The brain deck may have you doing things such as stating a fact that the other players must vote is true or false, or compete in a logic based challenge with another player. The heart deck may make you do things such as take a dare either by yourself or together with another player or involve you in a challenge that is more determined by emotion than logic.
Leviathan (Past Go Gaming) – This is an asymmetrical nautical combat card game for two players. Inspired by Moby Dick, one player controls Ahab and the other player controls the whale Moby Dick. The game can be played on any flat surface with the cards themselves acting as the playing pieces and a distant gauge card used for measurement for movement and attacks. As players navigate around each other, you must try to land hits while staying out of range from attacks from your opponent.
Goatfish (Cloudbreak Games) – This game was designed by a father and his eight year old daughter. The game combines card matching, set collection, and action and defense cards. The goal of the game is to collect goats into herds and the first player with four herds wins. You get cards by asking players for goats that match one or more goats in your hand. However, your opponents can use action cards to stop you or slow down your goat collecting while you can use defense cards to mitigate the damage that attack cards can do to your herds.
Disclosure: unless otherwise noted, we have not seen or played any of the above games. Our assessment of each is based on the information given on the crowdfunding project page.