News Flash: Sagrada Expansion Announced, Altiplano Released

Sagrada Player Expansion
Floodgate Games has announced an expansion for Sagrada. "Sagrada 5 – 6 Player Expansion not only adds two more players, it also introduces the Private Dice Pool boards for uninterrupted gameplay with 6 players."
Altiplano Now Released
Renegade Game Studios has announced the release of Altiplano. "The inhabitants of the Altiplano, the high plateau between the Easter and Western Andes, need to be creative to develop the scant vegetation and the available resources. By fishing at Lake Titicaca, mining ore in the mountains, breeding alpacas, and actively trading local goods, the inhabitants generate continually grow in wealth."
New Casual Game Imprint Announced
Grey Fox Games has announced a new imprint focusing on casual games. "Grey Fox Games is announcing today the launch of a new imprint, Social Sloth Games, a company that will release games that are more geared to a casual crowd."
The CIA Board Game
You can now play three board games designed by the CIA for their employees. "They used to be a secret, but a recent public showing, along with a Freedom of Information request, has resulted in the necessary rules and paperwork being released so anyone can play."
Augmented Reality and Board Games
Slate has released an article about how augmented reality could change board games. "Augmented reality is the natural step in tabletop gameplay evolution. Like mobile gaming, AR will bridge the gap of needing other players physically present to complete a game and provide relevance in a world centered around our smartphones; however, it could offer a more traditional feel since the game is “happening” right in front of you, in the real world."
Nut So Fast (Gaming Bits): “This game reminds me of a party game but doesn’t bore me like most party games do. There’s plenty of silliness and fun wrapped up in this game.”
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War (The Board Game Family): “It’s definitely a keeper to add to our growing shelf of fun cooperative board games.”
Karuba: The Card Game (iSlaytheDragon): “If you enthusiastically nodded your head to games like Kingdomino and are a fan of tile-laying games in general, and especially if you’re looking for a good quick game that can satisfy a group of six without spending much time in setup or rules explanation, Karuba: The Card Game is just what you’ve been seeking.