News Flash: New dV Giochi Games, Disney Villainous Announced

New Games from dV Giochi
dV Giochi has announced Catalyst, which will premiere at this year's Gen Con. Also new from the dV Giochi is the next game in their Deckscape game line (Heist in Venice), Minute Realms (a compact city-builder), and Origami, a family friendly card game. "Catalyst is a card drafting and combo-building game, which features a simple yet innovative twist on classic game mechanics."
Wonder Forge's Disney Villainous Announced
In Disney Villainous players will take on the roles of Disney villains. "Each player has a Villain Guide with iconic Disney art and their own game board, and the journey they take across it changes the story being told. Along the way, the villains will send their minions to do their bidding, find out what the story has in store by drawing a card, actually triumph over the heroes, and, perhaps best of all, mess with their fellow villains’ plans by using Fate cards."
Barnes & Noble Summer Game Night Series
Barnes & Noble has announced a series of game nights that will run from July 19th through August 23rd. " The stores will offer a 10 percent discount on the games featured each evening, while stores with a cafe will offer additional discounts on food and drinks."
Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra Announced
Next Move Games has announced a new standalone game that will debut at SPIEL in October. "Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra challenges players to compete by carefully selecting glass panes to complete their windows while being careful not to damage or waste supplies in the process. The window panels are double sided providing players with a dynamic player board that affords nearly infinite variability!"
IELLO Releases Cherry Tree Next Week
IELLO has announced that Cherry Tree will be available online on the 19th. "Each turn, draw one or more Flowers from the bag and try to gather as many as possible without being too greedy. At the end of your turn, put your flowers: In front of your screen to gain victory points based on your sets of Flowers, or, behind your screen to gain victory points by having the largest groups of Flowers."
Raids Also Out Next Week
IELLO is also releasing Raids next week on the 19th. "In Raids, prepare your crew and steer your Longship to the best locations to discover the most treasure and earn the greatest glory. Another player may have his sights set on the same location as you. Don’t hesitate to order your Vikings aboard his ship to threaten him and try to make him flee"
Photosynthesis (Centurion’s Review): “Photosynthesis is a fantastic game. It uses a theme that no other board game has ever used and my play-testers and I loved it.”
Azul (iSlaytheDragon): “It’s simple, it’s clever, and it’s a game that has gone over well with everyone I’ve taught it to.”
Fantastiqa Rival Realms (What Is Eric Playing): “I’d say this game is worth the wait while it grows on you (or maybe you’ll love it on your first play, who knows), and if you’re looking for a fun game of exploration, planning, and careful balancing, Fantastiqa Rival Realms is a solid two-player entry in that space!”