News Flash: Men At Work Announced, Five Hasbro Parody Board Games

Pretzel Games Announces Men At Work
Pretzel Games, the publishers of Flick ‘em Up, has announced a new wood component based game. "Men at Work is an exciting competition of ever growing proportions as players construct a building over the course of the game."
Hasbro Announces Five Parody Board Games
Hasbro has announced that they will be releasing five board games for adults that are parodies of classics such as Clue and The Game of Life. "Each new game comes with a hilariously relatable title, as well as new game play and objective — like Clue: What Happened Last Night? Lost in Vegas."
Z-Man Games Announces Party Bugs
Party Bugs is a new, light card game and is expected to be released later this year. "Players will attempt to control the wild cockroach party, sending the biggest pests to their opponents. If you can keep your party under control with smaller, less disruptive bugs you’ll win."
USAopoly Announces Dragon Ball Z Power Up!
Dragon Ball Z Power Up! will be similar to the Super Mario Level Up board game. "Live out your enthusiasm for all things Dragon Ball Z and choose your personal champion in this new 3-D board game for fans of all the sagas. Outsmarting your challengers, choosing wisely, and expecting the unexpected are all part of earning your title as you attempt to scale different positions on a multi-level board."
Medieval Board Game Discovered
Archeologists have discovered a board game hidden away in the crypt of a castle. "The object itself is basic – a clay tablet with markings of intersecting squares – but experts believe it is an old edition of a two-player strategy game called Nine Men's Morris, which has existed in some incarnation or another for centuries."
Disney Villainous (Paste Magazine): “The six decks in the base game also give it plenty of replay value.”
Kariba (iSlaytheDragon): “Menara has the decision space to justify the added playtime, and the resulting structure is interesting enough that the task is engrossing as you play. I haven’t been at all bored during my plays.”
Okey Dokey (Co-op Board Games): “It’s light, it’s quick, and it’s a challenging card game for 3+ players.”