Chai (Dan & Connie Kazmaier) – Everyone wants to be the best tea merchant in town! On your turn you may take one of three actions: visit the market where you purchase new flavor tiles. Visit the pantry where you collect ingredients such as milk and sugar. Or reserve a tea drinking customer card. You can have three customers reserved and each time your reserve one you may choose a special ability to activate. At the end of your turn if you have the necessary ingredients to fulfill a customer’s order, you may do so and earn a tip.
Casual Game Crowdfunding: Have a Cup of Chai With Your Tales of Evil

While there are nightmarish Tales of Evil and cursed vegetables this month on Kickstarter, there are also games about brewing a cozy cup of tea and building of fields full of animals.
Tales of Evil (Antonio Ferrara) – Players take on the roles of kids working together to battle the forces of evil and complete investigations. The different scenarios have multiple paths players can take in order to add replay to the chapters, and failing will potentially leave you with new choices to make. Each chapter affects the tiles you can explore. The game also includes 'the fusion system,' a mechanic that will sometimes have players performing actions in real life that will affect the game. For example, you may find a flashlight in the game, and in order to make it work you take batteries from around the house and apply it to the card. Other times you may be asked to make phone calls or send emails.
Fences (Bearded Board Games) – Each player is dealt their own farmer who scores bonus points for completing unique objectives. On your turn you always have two tiles to choose from. Fences can divide a tile into multiple fields. When placing a tile you can use a token to claim a field on that tile as long as it is not connected to a field that has already been claimed by another player. When a field is closed off, the farmer that has that field claimed earns a point for each animal inside it. If all the animals in a field match, than the animals are worth two points each. The player who closes off a field also earns points based on the farmer they are playing.
The Haunted Garden (Sandro Gloria-Glomski) – Cursed vegetables have risen and are trying to claim the garden for their own. Each player is dealt five cards. Everyone simultaneously chooses a vegetable to add to their garden. You then pass your hand to another player and everyone chooses another vegetable for their garden from their new hands. This continues until each hand only has one card left in it which is then discarded. This is repeated over three rounds. When you place a vegetable in your garden, you must place it so that it touches another of your vegetables, but your garden must always stay in a three by four grid. Some vegetables have special abilities which activate when you place them into your garden. After three drafting rounds, players move onto the scoring phase. To earn points for a group of vegetables, you must have the largest connected group of that vegetable. The player with the highest score wins the game.
Kuzushi Hugs & Kisses (Dave Balmer) – In this two player game, each player takes the deck that is their player color. Each card has a base side and a flag side. On your turn you place a base card next to any other card or flip over one of your flag cards on the board to promote it to a base. Then you use flag cards to mark who controls the four spots adjacent to the new base. You control a spot by having more base cards next to it than your opponent. A flag is returned to a player's deck if it no longer controls the spot it was occupying.
Situations (Noa Chazan) – In this story telling writing prompt game, players work together to create a situation and then each write their own story off of it. Everyone gets a hand of word cards, mostly nouns. Each noun card has a different question on each side of the card. Players can connect a new noun card, with its own questions, to answer one of these four questions. Players keep adding noun cards to the situation and then each fill out the story with details on an index card. These index cards are then shuffled together and read out loud, and players vote on their favorites.
Disclosure: unless otherwise noted, we have not seen or played any of the above games. Our assessment of each is based on the information given on the crowdfunding project page.