News Flash: Corinth Announced, Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls

Days of Wonder Announces Corinth
Corinth is a new casual dice game, played in twenty to thirty minutes. "Easy to learn in three minutes, Corinth comes in a portable and compact format. This game will challenge you to make tactical choices. You must obtain the best offer for your goods while also making sure your opponents don’t get theirs."
Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls
USAopoly has announced Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls, a new hidden identity card game based on BANG!. "A social deduction game where players take on the roles of characters from the heroic film, as they attempt to defend Earth in the intergalactic war between the Kree and the Skrulls."
Best Treehouse Ever: Forest of Fun Released
Green Couch Games has announced the release of Best Treehouse Ever: Forest of Fun. "Standalone game for 1-4 players or combine it with the original Best Treehouse Ever to play with up to 8 players!"
Songbirds Available for Pre-Order
The upcoming Daily Magic Games card game, Songbirds, is available for pre-order. "As a forest spirit, you help your favorite songbird color prosper in secret. Each turn, you’ll place one songbird with a specific volume into the forest. The volume of each songbird will add to those of the same color in rows and columns. The songbird color with the loudest volume wins the berry token in the respective column or row."
10 Best Strategy Board Games for Adults
Bustle ranks their ten favorite strategy board games. “I’ve researched the best strategy board games according to players and reviewers and broken them down into all the most telling categories. That way, you can find one that sounds intriguing to you, so that you can dominate your next game night."
If I Had to Reduce My Collection to 10 Games
Meeple Mountain has posted an article posing the question of what ten games they would choose to keep if they were tossing out all the others. What games would you keep? "I was inspired by one BGG user’s journey to cut his collection from 300 to 18 games, this seemed like an interesting thought experiment. Instead of cutting to 18, I (theoretically) cut my collection of about 180 to 10, with some caveats."
Batman: The Animated Series – Gotham City Under Siege (Co-op Board Games): “The game does a great job of making you feel like a group of powerful superheroes. All of the characters have abilities that make sense for them and all of them have the potential to save the day.”
Before There Were Stars (Beasts of War): “And it's this scoring freedom which really sells Before They Were Stars as a storytelling game which awards the process of being creative, rather than metagaming itself.”
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – A Gemstone Mining Game (World of the Nerd Online): “If you have any Disney fan on your list, young or not, this is sure to be a hit. This theme appeals to a wide range of audience, and has the ability for a higher player count than typical family games.”