News Flash: Rio Grande's Caravan, Toy Story Deckbuilder

Caravan Set for Release Next Week
Rio Grande has announced a June 18th release for Caravan, a new pick up and deliver game. "In Caravan, players position their camels to deliver goods where they are wanted. But, beware! Your rivals are interested in the same goods and they are not above casting a greedy eye on your caravans."
Toy Story Deckbuilder Announced
USAopoly has announced a new Toy Story themed deckbuilder that is set for release in the fall of this year. "Pixar’s Toy Story: Obstacles and Adventures features six boxes of cards, each representing a different movie from the treasured property. As each box is unlocked, the content from the associated movie or short is introduced to the game, adding beloved characters like Hamm and Mr. Pricklepants to the mix, as well as obstacles and antagonists to battle, including Sid, Prospector Pete and many more."
Brikks Released
Stronghold Games has released a new Tetris–like roll-and-write game. "A dice roll decides which block the players must place. The block 'falls' on the field from top to bottom. Players can move the blocks to the left or the right, and rotate blocks by spending energy points."
Nostalgia of Board Games
iSlaytheDragon has written an article about the relationship between tabletop games and nostalgia. "For those of us who grew up with board games, there’s often a strong nostalgia attached to the hobby. Maybe we fondly recall playing with our family at the holidays, or marathon late nights with friends in college. For me, the memories center around both."
Board Games in Fashion
Board games have gone someplace new and unexpected: the world of fashion. "Monse co-founders Laura Kim and Fernando Garcia seated some of their guests on soft cubes designed as dice as they showed a vintage board game-infused resort collection Friday on an open, lower Manhattan plaza."
Top Ten Video Games for Board Game Fans
Meeple Like Us has posted a roundup of video game recommendations for board game lovers. "This top ten list is ten video games that I think you’re likely to enjoy on the basis of the fact you are, presumably, a board game fan. Here I have shied away from digital ports of board games."
We Need To Talk… (The Game Aisle): “This was more about the fun of the experience than it was about the points — and that’s not a bad thing at all! We enjoyed it!”
Tricky Tides (Geeky Hobbies): “While the game had no reason to work, it ends up working surprisingly well. The trick taking mechanics and pick-up and deliver mechanics are not particularly original on their own but they actually supplement one another really well.”
Moon Base (The Game Shelf): “It's an incredible two player abstract game with depth of strategy and simplistic beauty in both its look and mechanisms.”