News Flash: Toy Story Deck Builder and Era Medieval Age Released

Toy Story: Obstacles and Adventures Released
USAopoly (The Op) has released their newest cooperative deck-building game. "Powered by The Op’s popular Mensa Select-winning deck-building game mechanic, Disney and Pixar’s Toy Story: Obstacles and Adventures relies on player collaboration to defeat randomized challenges along the path to victory"
Era: Medieval Age Released
Eggertspiele has released their 'roll-and-build' game. "With every roll of the dice, players will continue to build their city while trying to avoid extortion, scorched earth, and disease!"
Most Anticipated Games of Essen Spiel 2019
Meeple Mountain has compiled a roundup of the games they're most excited for from this year's Essen Spiel. "The Meeple Mountain team has worked for the past month to sift through the list of over 1,200 hot new games and cherry-pick our most anticipated titles of Essen Spiel 2019. With this many new games on display there’s sure to be something for everyone."
Skull Hollow Out Now
Pencil First Games has released Skull Hollow, an asymmetric combat game. "A 2-player, asymmetric, tactical combat game. Players use action cards to move their units, summon, and use special abilities. Play starts on an initial world map, but progresses to the Foxen player leaping onto the Guardian player board and taking out different parts of the character."
Gameboard-1 Kickstarter Campaign
The Gameboard-1, currently on Kickstarter, is a digital game board, meant to integrate with table top games. "A device to teach new players faster, digitize set-up and scorekeeping, access an unlimited-play game library and allow users to try new games before they buy... all while maintaining the crucial physicality between players and pieces! "
Board Games for Beginners
IGN recommends eleven games for newcomers to the hobby. "Board games are making a comeback, which is great, because board games are awesome. But the sheer number of games now on shelves can make it hard to spot the gateway games ideal for newbies."
8-Bit Attack (iSlaytheDragon): “It’s got to be one of the best 8-bit / arcade game inspired designs I’ve ever played. Working as a team, combining abilities and rolling dice to destroy your enemies one by one provides plenty of interesting choices and strategic decisions. Players will be engaged and active throughout.”
Bang! The Bullet (Everything Board Games): “It’s great for families and casual-gamer friends who aren’t looking for a serious game-relationship at this time. Definitely a keeper if you play card games a lot, or if you’re looking for something more involved.”
Spyfall and Spyfall 2 (Father Geek): “Do give this a game a try at your next party or gathering. I think you’ll find it to be a cleverly deceptive game that will sneak into your heart and imagination.”