News Flash: Fallout Shelter The Board Game Announced, Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising Released

Fallout Shelter: The Board Game Announced
Fantasy Flight Games has announced Fallout Shelter: The Board Game, based on the popular mobile game Fallout Shelter. "You play as one of the officers in your very own Vault, fostering happiness among your Vault Dwellers while keeping them safe from the radiation and monstrosities of the Wasteland that awaits outside your utopia. You will need to assign your Dwellers to tasks, manage the Vault’s resources, and keep everyone safe from threats. Keep in mind, the officer who can inspire the most happiness will win the hearts and minds of your Dwellers for the coming election of the new Overseer."
Harry Potter: Death Eaters Rising Out Now
USAopoly (The Op) has released their newest Harry Potter themed game. "The cooperative dice and card game lets gamers, collectors, and movie-goers of all skill levels try their hand using the game mechanic made popular by The Op’s flagship release of 2018, Thanos Rising—Avengers: Infinity War."
Aporta Games Announces Trails of Tucana
Trails of Tucana is a new flip-and-write game for one to eight players. "Each turn, one player flips over two terrain cards. Each player must draw — on their own map — a trail between two neighboring spaces of the shown terrains. Gradually, the trails will grow into a network of roads. Players score points by connecting matching harbors, and by connecting sights to harbors. Being the first to connect a pair of harbors provides bonus points."
AEG Releases Ecos: First Continent
Ecos is a game in which players work together to build a planet, but compete to accomplish personal goals to score points. "You will have the chance to create a part of the world, similar but different to the one we know. Which landscapes, habitats, and species thrive will be up to you."
World of Warcraft Small World
Blizzard and Asmodee have joined forces on a new edition of Small World. "BoardGameGeek, [...] recently reported from Blizzard Entertainment’s Blizzcon 2019 convention that the video game company and Asmodee are joining forces on a future board game: a World of Warcraft version of Small World. "
Dungeons and Dragons Themed Clue
USAopoly (The Op) has released a new edition of Clue with a Dungeons and Dragons setting. "A valuable Infernal puzzle box, formerly in the possession of Hellriders from Elturel, has been hidden by an imposter among the party. Take on the role of Sylvira Savikas, Lulu, Slobberchops, Reya Mantlemorn, and others on a quest to uncover WHO was slain and replaced by one of Zariel’s minions, WHAT weapon was used in the execution, and WHERE the hell-forged puzzle box can be recovered!"
Snowman Dice (The Meeple Street): “Simple, quick fun. It is a perfect fit for families with younger children. The game takes less than five minutes to explain, but will have all players laughing. Even when playing with all adults, I have found that it has an addictive quality, where players will want to play multiple times in a row.”
Silver (Geeks Under Grace): “When it comes to memory games, players are usually inherently good or inherently bad at them, depending upon how their brains work. In my opinion, this makes it tough for players to “get better” at memory games if they struggle with them, which can make them very polarizing.”
Catlantis (iSlaytheDragon): “Light and fluffy as a cat’s tail, and that’s okay. It’s not trying to be anything more than a silly, fun filler for cat lovers, kids, families, and non-gamers. It’s for those days when you need a smile and anything serious seems too difficult.”