News Flash: Synapses Games Announces Cóatl, Silver Dagger Pre-Order

Cóatl Announced for Fall 2020
Synapses Games has announced a new set collection serpent-building game. "Players work to build the most beautiful and valuable serpents. The serpents, or Cóatl, are constructed with a head, a tail, and a number of body segments, each made from chunky, colorful plastic. On a turn, players will either take tiles from the central board to their personal board, or work to construct one of their Cóatls with the different tiles they’ve collected."
Silver Dagger Pre-Order
Bézier Games has announced their fourth game in the Silver series, and made it available for pre-order. "In Silver Dagger you'll find 14 all new roles and abilities - some of which will have you strategically switching up the direction of gameplay, the #4 Zombie card in particular!"
Master Word Coming Soon
Scorpion Masque has announced Master Word, set for release this October. "A fully cooperative word-based deduction game. The Guide must help the Seekers find a secret word from a single hint. Every Round, the Seekers write Clues in the hopes of narrowing their search, and the Guide indicates how many are on the right track... but without saying which ones!"
Renegade Con Fall
Registration has opened for Renegade Con Fall, which will fun October 9-11. "Join us for an ongoing list of events including, Panels, Workshops, Hashtag League Interviews, Demos, RPG demos, and more!"
Small World of Warcraft Available Now
Days of Wonder has released the Warcraft-themed new edition of Small World. "In Small World of Warcraft, you will be able to choose combinations of special powers and races from the Warcraft universe, such as Portal Mage Pandarens or Herbalist Goblins, and vie for control of Azeroth."
Board Game Pop! Vinyl Figures
Funko, Inc. has announced several new figures based on classic Hasbro game characters. "From classic board games, the wave will have Cavity Sam from Operation, Rock'Em Sock'Em Robot (Red) and Rock'Em Sock'Em Robot (Blue) from boxing game Rock'Em Sock'Em Robots, and Uncle Pennybags from Monopoly. Uncle Pennybags will feature two different versions, one as the beauty contest runner-up and the other as Criminal Uncle Pennybags."
Ripple Rush (Meeple Mountain): “If you’re just looking for a fun casual game that you can play with friends and family, then you can’t go wrong with Ripple Rush.”
Telestrations (The Brick Castle): “Telestrations isn't a game which needs a winner, it's all in the taking part - although you could easily decide on winning conditions if you did want to make it competitive. Mostly though it's just 20 minutes or more laughing at each other's drawings and trying to work out how the other player's brains work.”
Pass the Bomb (The Bear and the Fox): “This is quite a nerve wracking but fun game. Being under pressure to think of an answer can really make your mind go blank!”