News Flash: Spyfest Announced, Spook Manor Pre-Order

Spyfest Announced
Cryptozoic and Hobby World have announced a new team based spin-off to the Spyfall series. "This detective party game takes two teams to a super-spy convention where one player is a Spy disguised as a memorable historical or fictional character. The Spy’s goal is to describe their character using subtle references to a Keyword only known to their teammates, so that their team identifies the character before their rivals."
Spook Manor Pre-Order
Final Frontier Games has a new card drafting game available for pre-order. "The game is a quick and fun card drafting and placing game for 1-6 players that can be played in 30 minutes."
December Release for Draconic Dice
Ultra PRO has announced Draconic Dice, an updated version of Dracarys Dice. The game is expected to be released next month. "The goal of this dice rolling game is to be the first player to unload all of the dice from their dice pool. Dice get removed by rolling dragons, which are given to other players, and injured knights, which get removed from the game."
Ready, Steady, Worm! Coming 2021
River Horse has announced a new board game set in the world of Labyrinth. "Four worms enter, four worms leave, but only one worm can be the winner of this exciting race to the edge!"
Best Two Player Games
The PC Gamer has done a roundup of their favorite games designed for two players. "If a game isn't built entirely around a 1v1 face-off, it isn't featured here among the very best two-player board games. For this list, I'm focusing on games designed exclusively for two players."
Floor Plan (Board Game Quest): “A fun roll and write where you have to be aware of the space available. And the theme will certainly appeal to the home improvement crowd.”
Noctiluca (What’s Eric Playing): “I was more than pleasantly surprised by the game’s aesthetic; it’s almost calming to play, as you’re sort of just grabbing dice along lines and the art direction of the game does a really good job of allowing me, the player, to imagine a dark tide pool or something. Very pleasant.”
Jaipur (Scott Scoop): “A fast game, taking only about 10 minutes per round. It’s an excellent game for families and some gamers, but people looking for a complicated game will be turned away from it due to its simplicity.”