News Flash: Cartaventura Series Released, Ticket to Ride Poland Announced

Cartaventura Series Released
KOSMOS has released the first two games in their new Cartaventura series, Lhasa and Vinland. "The Cartaventura series brings you cooperative storytelling games that are just as fun to play solo as they are in a group. Pull cards and make decisions, visual novel style, to build out your map and progress the story. These games are highly replayable; each story has 4+ different endings!"
Décorum Released
Floodgate Games has released Décorum. "A cooperative, hidden information game where you and your partner share the same objective: decorate your home in a way that makes you both happy. The problem is, different things make each of you happy and nobody says exactly what they need. "
Ticket to Ride: Poland Announced
Days of Wonder has announced a new expansion for Ticket to Ride. "In Ticket to Ride: Poland, you will have to gain a monopoly over the Polish public transport, not only by claiming routes between cities, but also by connecting countries with each other. "
Exploding Kittens TV Show
Netflix has ordered an adult animated series based on the Exploding Kittens card game. "The show, which is executive produced by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, follows the eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell as it reaches epic proportions when both God and the Devil are sent to Earth – in the bodies of chunky house cats."
Harry Potter Similo Released
Horrible Guild has released Harry Potter Similo. "A cooperative deduction game where your goal is to make the other players guess one secret character by playing other character cards from your hand as clues, stating whether they are similar to or different from the secret character."
Bureau of Investigation: Investigations in Arkham & Elsewhere Announced
Space Cowboys has a new, cooperative mystery game coming soon, set in the Lovecraft universe. "To solve the cases as best and as quickly as possible, together, analyze the cases, follow the leads in stealth investigation or direct interview mode, visit the places, question the witnesses, explore the maps, and read the newspapers relating to the cases."
Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest (Geeks Under Grace): “Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest is pure chaos, but it's hysterical to play. Recommended for folks who like to laugh in games.”
Qwixx Longo (Just Push Start): “Overall, Qwixx Longo is a bit of a sidestep from the original rather than anything new. Nevertheless, for those who don’t own the original then it’s an interesting puzzle of a number based roll and write.”
Abstract Academy (The Tabletop Family): “A delightful puzzle card game with a good amount of tension as you try to lock in the best scoring opportunities for yourself while hindering your opponent’s zone.”