News Flash: Sky Team Receives the Spiel des Jahres, Stalk Exchange Released

Spiel des Jahres Winner Announced
Sky Team is the official winner of this year's Spiel des Jahres award.
Stalk Exchange Released
The Op has released anew flower-themed board game. "Enter a Growing Market! Welcome to the Community Hedge Fund where players take on the roles of gardeners dedicated to growing flowers and profits. When the market crashes, the Gardner with the most valuable Stalk portfolio wins. Garden shrewdly to grow your fortune."
Mojo Released
25th Century Games has released a new card game for 3-8 players. "To win, you must have the lowest score at the end of the game. Take turns discarding cards while trying to make the lowest-scoring final hand. With a little luck, you can discard several cards of the same value at once, or safely keep cards of the same color."
Best Games of Gen Con
Paste has published a round-up of their favorite games from this year's Gen Con. "Here are my 10 favorite new games from Gen Con 2024, all of which are entirely new titles—I gave preference to original ideas over the best rethemes/all-new editions I saw."
Rebirth Announced
Mighty Boards has announced Rebirth, a new tile-laying game designed by Reiner Knizia. "Players take on the roles of clan leaders that will compete for control of the land in an attempt to construct new castles. On their turn, players draw a tile, which represents their clan's contribution to rebuilding the landscape, and place it strategically on the board to give them a tactical advantage over the course of the game."
Nexus Ops Pre-Order
Renegade Game Studios has a new sci-fi game available for pre-order. The game is set to be released this month. "Several galactic corporations compete for control over this resource in hopes of securing riches for themselves. When their military forces arrive to harvest rubium found on a foreign moon, they are greeted by the many indigenous life forms. They quickly conscript the alien creatures and begin marching against their competitors."
Altay - Dawn of Civilization Pre-Order
Ares has announced Altay - Dawn of Civilization, set for release this November, and has opened up it up for pre-order. "A deck-building civilization game, set in a mythic age where players lead an ancient society to navigate the challenges brought by human settlers"
Everdell Duo Announced
Tabletop Tycoon has announced a new Everdell game. This one will be for 1-2 players and can be played either cooperatively or competitively. The game will originally launch on Kickstarter. "In Everdell Duo, you will either compete against your single opponent, or play cooperatively with another player, to earn the most points. You will accomplish this by placing workers to gather resources, then use those resources to play cards face up in front of you, creating your own woodland city."
Chronicles of Light: Darkness Falls (Coopgestalt): “It’s a light cooperative game that’s fun for families, or for the end of the night when you want something “less thinky”. Many heavier gamers will probably balk at the lightness of this game. I tend to like solo games for their puzzly nature, and although the solo puzzle presented here isn’t that challenging, I could see this being a really good gateway solo game!!”
Kids Chronicles: Quest For The Moon Stones (Board Game Gumbo): “Not only is the Moon Stones quest engaging, but the box gives you enough content to count as three or four of those other escape room games, with the ability to download more. Throw in the fact that you not only get a well done story in an easy to use app, but the physical bits and bobs of a board game with cards to play, and you have a pretty good experience.”
Unboxed (The Family Gamers) “I think it’s a super neat idea. And I think it hits more than it misses with its execution. If you’ve played a lot of games, you’re kind of going to be able to identify the mechanics for the puzzles and how to fit those things together.”
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