Reviews | Page 94 | Casual Game Revolution


Reviews of casual board games.

Tsuro: The Game of the Path is a quality casual game published by Calliope Games that has been in print for some time, yet nevertheless deserves a mention here if we are to call ourselves casual game enthusiasts. When explaining the concept of casual games back when we were first defining our cause, it was not uncommon to hear people say, "Oh, so a casual game is like Tsuro!"

A review of Farmerama: The Board Game, an adaptation of a popular browser game by Ravensburger. Find out what sets the board game version apart from its online predecessor.

It's time for another double-feature, with the giveaway prize delivered just in time for Christmas! This time we're taking a closer look at Pajaggle, "the game that thinks it's a puzzle!"

It's time for a double-feature! We recently had the chance to evaluate Slapshot by Columbia Games. Find out if we liked it and enter to win a brand new copy to try out for yourself!
