Game industry | Page 2 | Casual Game Revolution

Game industry

This year’s Spiel des Jahres Nominees have been announced, Fireside Games has a new game available for pre-order, an expansion for Sky Team is coming soon.

Fireside Games has announced a new card game, IELLO has announced a two-player King of Tokyo game, and ThinkFun has released a new puzzle dice game.

Gigamic has a new party game set for release next week, Days of Wonder has announced a new map expansion for Ticket to Ride, and The OP has released 10 Days in the USA.

Gigamic has released a new card game, this year’s Mensa Select games have been announced, and a sequel to Tales of the Arabian Nights is available for pre-order.

Cryptozoic Entertainment has announced a trivia game, Pandasaurus has a new game for pre-order, and Gigamic has announced a new racing game for kids.

Floodgate Games has released a new expansion for their cooperative game Décorum, a Rayman themed game has been announced, and Ares and Tablescope are set to release a game that features the unique use of app.

Bezier Games has a new card game available for pre-order, Czech Games Edition has announced a family-friendly version of their game Alchemists, and the Golden Geek Award nominations are currently open.

A new party game has been announced from the designer of Decrypto, Asmodee will be releasing Manhattan Project: War Machine later this month, and Devir has announced a new city-building game.

The Op has announced a new edition of 10 Days in the USA, Pandasaurus Games has announced an expansion for their cooperative game Beacon Patrol, and a mini version of Qawale has been released.

A cooperative expansion for Santorini has been announced, Renegade Game Studios has released a new card game, and Boardcubator has a new game in the works.
