A new game has been announced from Steve Jackson Games, Flick 'em Up! is coming next year, and the San Francisco Chronicle recommends games for the holidays.
Cryptozoic has announced a December 3rd release for their newest DC Comics Deck-building Game, Mars Attacks: The Dice Game is now available, and GeekDad reviews DIY Board Games.
Fantasy Flight Games is having a holiday sale from now until December 1st, Fireside Games has announced a new Castle Panic expansion and Asmodee will be acquiring Fantasy Flight Games.
AEG has announced a new variation for Love Letter, R&R Games’ new railroad-themed game Spike is available for pre-order, and a new Dominion expansion is expected in 2015.
Submitted by Naomi Laeuchli on 10/23/2014 - 20:21. Category:
R&R Games has made Spellcaster available for pre-order, Tiny Epic Kingdoms is set for October 31st release and the final, complete list of games for season 3 of TableTop has been announced.
A special collector’s editionof Settlers of Catan is available for pre-order, Steve Jackson Games has announced two Garbage Pail Kids-themed games, and Rio Grande releases Temporum this week.