The Winter 2013 Issue of Casual Game Insider is Now Available
Submitted by Chris James on 01/14/2013 - 12:38. Category: News

The Winter 2013 issue of Casual Game Insider is now in stock and available for sale!
In this issue, we take a look at Kingdom Builder by Queen Games, tabletop funding on Kickstarter by game weight, the new hierarchy of gamers, helpful tips from a successful game retailer, and what the board game industry can learn from the casual video game movement.
I'd like a digital copy of it, are you planning to release a kindle version? send the papercopy to italy is a moral sin from an enviromental prospective, but a digital one seems more ok.
let me know
Thanks for the suggestion. Magazine publishing on Kindle is currently in closed beta and we are awaiting the opportunity to submit it once the beta period is over.
I just read the Casual Crossover article and Fuhrer makes some very valid points. However, I feel he is missing a very important point: casual video games can be played by oneself or with total strangers who happen to be online at the same time. This is what makes them so accessible. To actually play a casual board game, you have to find at least one other person who has time to play when you do and wants to play the same thing as you do, but this is not always possible. Maybe for board game companies to successfully win over casual video game players, they need to release more solo games.
This is a great point and something that should definitely be considered to help expand the reach of casual board games. Thanks for sharing!